Doctoral course - Graduate Schools MADIS / ENGSYS (Fall 2023)

Experimental research and statistical methods
for Human-Computer Interaction


GĂ©ry Casiez

When and Where

October, November 2023
Agora 2, ESPRIT building


This special topics graduate course is an introduction to experimental research that enables the identification of causal relationships through the design of controlled experiments with participants. The course covers fundamental concepts to conduct successful experimental research through appropriate experimental designs to answer clearly defined research hypothesis. The course will cover major types of experimental designs (within-group, between-group and split-plot designs) with their pro and cons. The course will also adress the statistical analysis of the data collected during such experiments. Main parametric (e.g. ANOVA) and non-parametric (e.g. Wilcoxon) tests will be covered and illustrated using R. The concepts will be tackled through lectures, and tutorials in R and Rmd will help mastering them with examples. The course will be illustrated with numerous examples from the domain of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). It is fundamental for any student working in HCI and any student willing to design and analyze experiments with human participants.


Experimental research, experimental design, statistical analysis, R.

Prior knowledge

No specific knowledge in statistics ; knowledge in programming to start more easily with R.

Expected outcomes

