WhichFingers: Identifying Fingers on Touch Surfaces and Keyboards using Vibration Sensors

Damien Masson1, Alix Goguey2, Sylvain Malacria3 and Géry Casiez1
1Université de Lille, France, 2University of Saskatchewan, Canada and 3Inria Lille, France
This page provides additional material to our UIST 2017 paper.

HCI researchers lack low latency and robust systems to support the design and development of interaction techniques using finger identification. We developed a low cost prototype using piezo based vibration sensors attached to each finger. By combining the events from an input device with the information from the vibration sensors we demonstrate how to achieve low latency and robust finger identification.


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Masson, D., Goguey, A., Malacria, S. & Casiez, G. (2017). WhichFingers: Identifying Fingers on Touch Surfaces and Keyboards using Vibration Sensors. In proceedings of UIST'17, the 30th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 41-48. ACM.