Géry Casiez

Géry Casiez

Professeur des Universités en informatique à l'
Professor of Computer Science at Univ. Lille
Junior member (2018 - 2023) of Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
Adjunct Professor (2018 - 2024) at the University of Waterloo, Canada
Member of the Inria Loki research team
Member of CRIStAL

Inria, office B103
Parc scientifique de la Haute-Borne
40, Avenue Halley - Bât B - Park Plaza Click to see the map.
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
+33 (0)3 59 35 87 87
gery (dot) casiez (at) univ-lille (dot) fr

Bureau S1.20, ESPRIT, Cité Scientifique
+33 (0)3 28 77 85 44

I'm a Full Professor of Computer Science, Classe Exceptionnelle, at Université de Lille. My research is in the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), carried in the Loki research team, created in partnership between the Inria centre at the University of Lille and the Université de Lille within the Joint Research Unit UMR 9189 CRIStAL. I teach in the CS department at IUT de Lille. My works have been published at ACM CHI, ACM UIST, IEEE VR or IHM, for which I've participated as a PC member or in the organization. In 2018, I have been appointed junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, became Adjunct-Professor at the University of Waterloo and deputy director of CRIStAL. My research interests include input interaction (design of input devices, interaction techniques, study of transfer functions, latency measure and compensation, and noise reduction in interactive systems), VR and 3D interaction (study of embodiment and design of interaction techniques and input devices), interative documents, haptics, multitouch interaction and BCI.

Selected publications

DirectGPT: A Direct Manipulation Interface to Interact with Large Language Models. CHI '24.Masson, D., Malacria, S., Casiez, G. & Vogel, D. (2024). DirectGPT: A Direct Manipulation Interface to Interact with Large Language Models. In proceedings of CHI'24, the 41st Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-16. ACM. AR: 1060/4028 (26%). DOI link HAL link Quicktime video link YouTube video link Award Honorable mention award (top 5%) Post on Medium
ChartDetective: Easy and Accurate Interactive Data Extraction from Complex Vector Charts. CHI '23.Masson, D., Malacria, S., Vogel, D., Lank, E. & Casiez, G. (2023). ChartDetective: Easy and Accurate Interactive Data Extraction from Complex Vector Charts. In proceedings of CHI'23, the 40th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-17. ACM. AR: 880/3182 (28%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [Presentation] Award Best paper award (top 1%) Used for systematic literature reviews such as [Suponin et al.]
Charagraph: Interactive Generation of Charts for Realtime Annotation of Data-Rich Paragraphs. CHI '23.Masson, D., Malacria, S., Casiez, G. & Vogel, D. (2023). Charagraph: Interactive Generation of Charts for Realtime Annotation of Data-Rich Paragraphs. In proceedings of CHI'23, the 40th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-18. ACM. AR: 880/3182 (28%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [Presentation]
Within or Between? Comparing Experimental Designs for Virtual Embodiment Studies. VR '22.Richard, G., Pietrzak, T., Argelaguet, F., Lécuyer, A. & Casiez, G. (2022). Within or Between? Comparing Experimental Designs for Virtual Embodiment Studies. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), 186-195. IEEE. AR: 90/418 (22%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link [Presentation]
Interaction Illustration Taxonomy: Classification of Styles and Techniques for Visually Representing Interaction Scenarios. CHI '21.Antoine, A., Malacria, S., Marquardt, N. & Casiez, G. (2021). Interaction Illustration Taxonomy: Classification of Styles and Techniques for Visually Representing Interaction Scenarios. In proceedings of CHI'21, the 38th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-22. ACM. AR: 749/2844 (26%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link [Presentation] Award Honorable mention award (top 5%)
Typing Efficiency and Suggestion Accuracy Influence the Benefits and Adoption of Word Suggestions. CHI '21.Roy, Q., Berlioux, S., Casiez, G. & Vogel, D. (2021). Typing Efficiency and Suggestion Accuracy Influence the Benefits and Adoption of Word Suggestions. In proceedings of CHI'21, the 38th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-13. ACM. AR: 749/2844 (26%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link [Presentation] Award Honorable mention award (top 5%)
Modeling and Reducing Spatial Jitter caused by Asynchronous Input and Output Rates. UIST '20.Antoine, A., Nancel, M., Ge, E., Zheng, J., Zolghadr, N. & Casiez, G. (2020). Modeling and Reducing Spatial Jitter caused by Asynchronous Input and Output Rates. In proceedings of the 2020 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 1-13. Association for Computing Machinery. AR: 97/450 (21%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link [Presentation][Chromium blog (08/23)][Inria newsletter (01/24)][Point science visite HCERES (10/24)]
Chameleon: Bringing Interactivity to Static Digital Documents. CHI '20.Masson, D., Malacria, S., Lank, E. & Casiez, G. (2020). Chameleon: Bringing Interactivity to Static Digital Documents. In proceedings of CHI'20, the 37th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-13. ACM. AR: 760/3126 (24%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [Presentation]
Detecting System Errors in Virtual Reality Using EEG through Error Related Potentials. VR '20.Si-Mohammed, H., Lopes Dias, C., Duarte, M., Argelaguet, F., Jeunet, C., Casiez, G., Müller-Putz, G., Lécuyer, A. & Scherer, R. (2020). Detecting System Errors in Virtual Reality Using EEG through Error Related Potentials. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), 653-661. IEEE. AR: 104/486 (21%). DOI link HAL link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [Presentation] Award Best paper award
RayCursor: a 3D Pointing Facilitation Technique based on Raycasting. CHI '19.Baloup, M., Pietrzak, T. & Casiez, G. (2019). RayCursor: a 3D Pointing Facilitation Technique based on Raycasting. In proceedings of CHI'19, the 36th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 101:1-101:12. ACM. AR: 705/2960 (23.8%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link
Next-Point Prediction for Direct Touch Using Finite-Time Derivative Estimation. UIST '18.Nancel, M., Aranovskiy, S., Ushirobira, R., Efimov, D., Poulmane, S., Roussel, N. & Casiez, G. (2018). Next-Point Prediction for Direct Touch Using Finite-Time Derivative Estimation. In proceedings of UIST'18, the 31st ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 793-807. ACM. AR: 80/375 (21%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link
Storyboard-Based Empirical Modelling of Touch Interface Performance. CHI '18.Goguey, A., Casiez, G., Cockburn, A. & Gutwin, C. (2018). Storyboard-Based Empirical Modelling of Touch Interface Performance. In proceedings of CHI'18, the 35th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 445:1-445:12. ACM. AR: 667/2590 (25%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link Award Honorable mention award (top 5%)
Characterizing Latency in Touch and Button-Equipped Interactive Systems. UIST '17.Casiez, G., Pietrzak, T., Marchal, D., Poulmane, S., Falce, M. & Roussel, N. (2017). Characterizing Latency in Touch and Button-Equipped Interactive Systems. In proceedings of UIST'17, the 30th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 21-36. ACM. AR: 73/324 (22%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [Presentation] NVidia later created a similar tool
ForceEdge: Controlling Autoscroll on Both Desktop and Mobile Computers Using the Force. CHI '17.Antoine, A., Malacria, S. & Casiez, G. (2017). ForceEdge: Controlling Autoscroll on Both Desktop and Mobile Computers Using the Force. In proceedings of CHI'17, the 34th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3281-3292. ACM. AR: 565/2435 (23%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [Presentation]
Leveraging Finger Identification to Integrate Multi-touch Command Selection and Parameter Manipulation. Goguey, A., Vogel, D., Chevalier, F., Pietrzak, T., Roussel, N. & Casiez, G. (2017). Leveraging Finger Identification to Integrate Multi-touch Command Selection and Parameter Manipulation. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Elsevier. 99, 21-36. DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link
Next-Point Prediction Metrics for Perceived Spatial Errors. UIST '16.Nancel, M., Vogel, D., De Araujo, B., Jota, R. & Casiez, G. (2016). Next-Point Prediction Metrics for Perceived Spatial Errors. In proceedings of UIST'16, the 29th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 271-285. ACM. AR: 79/384 (20%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link YouTube video link [Presentation]
The Performance and Preference of Different Fingers and Chords for Pointing, Dragging, and Object Transformation. CHI '16.Goguey, A., Nancel, M., Casiez, G. & Vogel, D. (2016). The Performance and Preference of Different Fingers and Chords for Pointing, Dragging, and Object Transformation. In proceedings of CHI'16, the 33th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4250-4261. ACM. AR: 546/2316 (23.6%). DOI link HAL link YouTube video link [Presentation]
Giving a Hand to the Eyes: Leveraging Input Accuracy for Subpixel Interaction. UIST '12.Roussel, N., Casiez, G., Aceituno, J. & Vogel, D. (2012). Giving a Hand to the Eyes: Leveraging Input Accuracy for Subpixel Interaction. In proceedings of UIST'12, the 25th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 351-358. ACM. AR: 62/288 (21%). DOI link HAL link Quicktime video link YouTube video link
Mockup Builder: Direct 3D Modeling on and Above the Surface in a Continuous Interaction Space. GI '12.De Araùjo, B. R., Casiez, G. & Jorge, J. A. (2012). Mockup Builder: Direct 3D Modeling on and Above the Surface in a Continuous Interaction Space. In proceedings of GI'12, the 38th Graphics Interface conference, 173-180. Canadian Information Processing Society. AR: 13/34 (38%). HAL link YouTube video link
1€ Filter: A Simple Speed-based Low-pass Filter for Noisy Input in Interactive Systems. CHI '12.Casiez, G., Roussel, N. & Vogel, D. (2012). 1€ Filter: A Simple Speed-based Low-pass Filter for Noisy Input in Interactive Systems. In proceedings of CHI'12, the 30th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2527-2530. ACM. AR: 370/1577 (23%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link [CHI Madness video][presentation][Inria 03/04/2017]
No More Bricolage! Methods and Tools to Characterize, Replicate and Compare Pointing Transfer Functions. UIST '11.Casiez, G. & Roussel, N. (2011). No More Bricolage! Methods and Tools to Characterize, Replicate and Compare Pointing Transfer Functions. In proceedings of UIST'11, the 24th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 603-614. ACM. AR: 67/265 (25%). DOI link HAL link Open Science link Quicktime video link YouTube video link
Conté: Multimodal Input Inspired by an Artist's Crayon. UIST '11.Vogel, D. & Casiez, G. (2011). Conté: Multimodal Input Inspired by an Artist's Crayon. In proceedings of UIST'11, the 24th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 357-366. ACM. AR: 67/265 (25%). DOI link HAL link YouTube video link New Life for the Digital Pen? [presentation]
Surfpad: Riding Towards Targets on a Squeeze Film Effect. CHI '11.Casiez, G., Roussel, N., Vanbelleghem, R. & Giraud, F. (2011). Surfpad: Riding Towards Targets on a Squeeze Film Effect. In proceedings of CHI'11, the 29th Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2491-2500. ACM. AR: 410/1532 (27%). DOI link HAL link [presentation] Award Honorable mention award (top 5%)
The Impact of Control-Display Gain on User Performance in Pointing Tasks. Casiez, G., Vogel, D., Balakrishnan, R. & Cockburn, A. (2008). The Impact of Control-Display Gain on User Performance in Pointing Tasks. In Human-Computer Interaction. Taylor & Francis. 23(3), 215-250. DOI link Award In the 10 most cited articles in the HCI journal from 2007-2009
RubberEdge: Reducing Clutching by Combining Position and Rate Control with Elastic Feedback. UIST '07.Casiez, G., Vogel, D., Pan, Q. & Chaillou, C. (2007). RubberEdge: Reducing Clutching by Combining Position and Rate Control with Elastic Feedback. In proceedings of UIST'07, the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 129-138. ACM. AR: 33/195 (17%). DOI link Quicktime video link YouTube video link Related articles: ERCIM News 73 - April 2008 [ERCIM News], INEDIT 64 - May 2008 [INEDIT], 01 informatique - 29/05/2008

Last update: October 21, 2024.